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UofA Hosting Discovery Farm Rice Field Day in Northeast Arkansas July 20

On July 20th, A rice production field day on July 20 to be co-hosted by the Arkansas Discovery Farm Program and Anheuser-Busch will highlight water and nutrient efficiency, carbon sequestration and include tours of the Northeast Rice Research and Extension Center, Pratt Farms and Busch Agricultural Resources.

The field tour will be 8:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. and begin at the new Northeast Rice Research and Extension Center located on Arkansas Highway 1 in southern Poinsett County; GPS (35°39'25.7"N 90°42'36.5"W). Lunch will be provided and there will be buses to move participants among the sites. There is no cost to attend but an RSVP by July 15 to is appreciated for a lunch count.

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